Love me hate me
No matter what God's graced me
Shown his love through the darkness
Shined his light, when hate was at its best
Lord will you please take away the pain
To live is Christ to die is eternal gain
Your life giving blood poured into my veins
Sins so calous, meet love so sweet
Remember what you sow, one day you will reap
Stripes on my back, do I turn the other cheek
Stripes on his back, he was the slaughtered sheep
Tears of blood, still I cry
Why so many of my people had to die
Lord have mercy how sweet the sound
The Lord granted mercy, so i'm no longer bound
Up from the grave, he lifted me
So now I laugh at your hate and bigotry
Sun goes up, Sun goes down
Shines on all of us, white, black, or brown
Got a secret for you, God sees us all the same
We're all born sinners, from the cradle to the grave
Hope you realize, we all have one hope
And that's the blood of Christ
Nothing less nothing more
What must I do to make you see
That to live by hate is hopeless insanity
But to overcome hate with love blesses humanity
So let's wake up before it's too late
And the love is eaten up by all the senseless hate
Together we stand, divided we fall
May the grace of God be upon us all