1. Be comfortable walking in small circles. Understand that everyone will not comprehend your vision, and that’s ok. They don’t know your story.
2. Don’t be afraid to walk away from toxic situations and people. Save your allegiance for those worthy to receive it! Shake off the dust from your feet and keep on moving!
3. Don’t waste your time looking backwards. What’s behind you is just history. Learn from it and move on. Your destiny lies ahead!
4. Make gratitude the starting point of each day. Being thankful where you are prepares you to walk into greater blessings with appreciation and humility.
5. Don’t worry about defending yourself against false accusations or the negative opinions of others. People attempt to cover their own shortcomings by hating on others. It never works, by the way!
6. Don’t take social media seriously. It’s not real life! Instead, foster real relationships in the real world. Meet for lunch. Make a phone call. Write a letter. Send a card. We were created to be physically connected to others. Liking and commenting will never fill the void of real relational interactions!
7. Stop making assumptions. Don’t talk about what you don’t know, and don’t base your opinion of others on what someone else tells you.
8. Be quick to show love and compassion for others. Sometimes people just want to know someone cares about them.
9. Never give up! Be an overcomer. It may be raining where you are right now but rest assured that the sun is still shining somewhere!
10. Persevere through the storm. Blessings are on the other side! Place your faith in God and not man! Man will let you down, but God will never, ever fail you!